Case 16. G. S., 30. Admitted, 29th July 1904. History of feeling generally unfit and of palpitation on walking quickly. On admission temperature 99.4°; it gradually rose as a remittent about 1° a day until 105.4° on sixth day. Blood was then examined, and sub-tertian rings and crescents were found. Quinine at once given, and temperature fell to sub-normal and remained there until discharge. (This temperature chart in no way whatever suggested malaria.)
Case 17. H. B., 25. Admitted, 2nd November 1905, with hæmaturia, diarrhœa, and vomiting. Had a rigor at outset of these symptoms. Temperature 102°, quotidian remittent. Spleen not enlarged. Blood showed crescents. Quinine intramuscularly cured all symptoms.
Case 18. B., 29. Admitted, 21st November 1905, from Sierra Leone. Had attack of fever in Sierra Leone, and has taken quinine, grs. v. to grs. xxx., daily since, but in spite of the quinine malaria has never departed. Temperature quotidian remittent 103° to 99°. Blood showed sub-tertian crescents and rings. Quinine intramuscularly completed cure. (This is an instance of the value of diagnosing the type