of infection, and, finding it to be sub-tertian, treating intramuscularly.)
Case 19. A. W. Admitted, 27th July 1896, complaining of great pain in the popliteal spaces and knee joints, with swelling of the thigh, also swelling in both groins. Blood showed presence of filaria.
Case 20. T. A., 23. Nine years' history of small lump in each groin gradually increasing. Five years ago patient consulted a doctor and was told he was suffering from a rupture. Later the same doctor diagnosed filariasis by blood examination.
Case 21. A private patient of Sir Patrick Manson's. The history was that of suddenly going out of his mind in India, whereupon he was sent to an asylum, but later brought to England. Patient's mother persisted that he should be seen by a specialist in Tropical Disease. Sir Patrick accordingly saw him, examined his blood, and found numbers of crescents. Quinine was at once administered, and slow improvement occurred until all but complete recovery. (The use of the microscope here would have saved a long illness,