dismissal to the asylum, and injury to the brain.)
Case 22. M. N., 24, from Philadelphia. Admitted, 24th February 1898. History of rigor and sweating. No headache, no spots. Temperature between normal and 103.8 daily. Spleen not palpable. Benign tertian parasites found. Quinine given, but temperature did not react. Widal tried with positive result, and typhoid diagnosed.
Case 23. A. M., 23, from Calcutta. Admitted, 7th April 1902. History of repeated malaria; quinine proved unavailing. On admission temperature 103°. Pulse 100. Respiration 30. Diarrhœa. Active delirium on 12th April. No reaction to Widal for typhoid, but Malta fever reaction obtained. Temperature varied daily between 102.8° and about 100°. Recovery.
Case 24. W. G. Z., 33, from Uganda. Admitted, 4th July 1905. In April of 1905 present illness began, with rheumaticlike pains in the left knee. Went to hospital at Entebbe. Daily rise of temperature, enlargement of spleen; enlarged glands subsequently noticed.