Trypanosomes found in the blood. Temperature did not appear to react much to treatment, and then benign tertian parasites were also found in the blood. The patient was then treated with quinine as well as arsenic. (Without a careful blood examination this case could not have been treated satisfactorily.) [On 25th November no trypanosomes had been found in the blood for a month.]
Case 25. R., from the Congo. Admitted, 10th October 1905. On 15th June 1905 had an attack of severe abdominal pain and diarrhœa, and on 19th June irregular fever occurred, and vomiting. On 20th June urine contained blood which continued for five days and then cleared up. On 13th September trypanosomes found in the blood and glandular enlargement occurred. On admission patient was in a state of great weakness and emaciation. Temperature daily rise to 103°, sometimes intermittent, sometimes remittent. Placed on atoxyl treatment, and after steady improvement discharged. Returned, after having continued treatment at intervals, on 19th November 1906, to have blood examined. No trypanosomes then found. A monkey was inoculated with patient's blood and up to date (21 days after) no trypanosomes