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"Where?" chorused the others.

"On this end of the long bridge across the river."

"Right you are, 'Bo. We can make our 'get-away' down the bank and find some of the 'shanty men' to take us across."

"And into the arms of the police," sneered the ringleader. "We'll use the bank to escape, but we won't ask any favors of a 'shanty man'."

"Will there be enough money aboard to make it worth while?" inquired one of the schemers, with an evidently practical turn of mind.

"Sure; Number 4 always carries a bunch of gold for Western towns."

"But how'll we board her?" asked still another.

"Get a lantern and wave it."

"Will they stop?"

"Say, why do you suppose I chose the approach to the bridge?" snapped the man who had proposed the scheme.

And then, without giving his companions a chance to speak, he answered his question himself:

"Because the engineer'll think there is something wrong on the bridge and stop. It'll be dead easy."

Bob's eyes were almost popping out of his head, as, afraid to peep over the top of the car,