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"You!" he gasped, turning pale. "What do you want here?"

"I want the money you have stolen from me, Len Dardus! I want my father's ranch in Red Top back. I want you to say you lied when you said my father was crazy when he died!"

The tone in which the boy spoke was cold and bitter. Yet, instead of terrifying the storekeeper, it caused him to laugh as he exclaimed: "You can't blackmail me, you ungrateful young wretch! Get out of here, before I call the police! I steal your money, indeed! Insanity seems to run in the Chester family!"

"Do you think so, Len Dardus?" demanded the ranchman, suddenly emerging from the shadow.

"John Ford!" gasped the storekeeper, his bravado deserting him at the sight of this friend of Bob's father.

"Yes; John Ford," retorted the ranchman in a voice that cut like steel. "You remember when you won your lawsuit with that will you forged? I told you I should trap you some day. That day has come!"

At these words, the others stepped forth.

From one to another, Dardus looked, then demanded in a terrified voice:

"What—what do you want?"