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hawke with luke water a longe tyme, and after that take the powder of Saxifrage oꝛ ellis the powdeꝛ of Rewe, and a quantite of may butteꝛ, and temper hit weell to gedeꝛ till thay ben euen medlide, than putte it in a littyll box and ſtoppe it faſte, ⁊ as oftyn as yow fede yowre hawke an hoole meele anoynt hiꝛe meete a littyll theꝛ with, and that ſhall make hiꝛ to loue meet the bettiꝛ, foꝛ loue of the oyntement, and it ſhall ſaaue hiꝛ fro the Cray and from mony odeꝛ ſekeneſes: that gender ofte in an hawke.

Alſo take the hoote heꝛt of a ſwyne oꝛ of a pigge, and feede heꝛ ij. days theꝛwith, and ſhe ſhall be hoole.

Alſo take poꝛke and weete it in hoote mylke of a cowe, ⁊ fede the hawke theꝛwith, and that ſhall make hiꝛ mutyſe all the beſt.

Alſo pooꝛke with the maꝛy of the boon of the but of poꝛke ſhall make hiꝛ mutiſe ⁊ fede hiꝛ with booth to gedeꝛ.

Alſo vſe hiꝛ to freſh butteꝛ and it will doo the ſame

Alſo oon mele oꝛ ij. at the moſt of the hoote leueꝛ of a pig ſhall make hiꝛ to mutyſe weele, be ware ye yeue hiꝛ not to grete a gooꝛge theꝛof, foꝛ it is a peꝛlous meete

Alſo take ye white of an egge, ⁊ labuꝛ the ſame ī a ſpōge as weele as ye wolde make glayre foꝛ rede Inke till it be like wat̄, put the ſame ī a veſſill, ⁊ let the meete yt ſhall be foꝛ hiꝛ ſop: ly a ſtepe theꝛ in all the day be foꝛ, ⁊ at night fede hiꝛ theꝛwī