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and that the wich ſhall be foꝛ hiꝛ dyneꝛ in the moꝛnyng let it ly all the nyght, bot in any wyſe that ye haue alway freſh gleyre, and if hiꝛ fedyng be pooꝛke it is the bettiꝛ, yt is proued

The kyndeli termis that belong to hawkis.

In the begynnyng of kyndeli ſpech of the teꝛmys that belong to hawkys here ye may fynde theym The fiꝛſt is holde faſt at all timys, and ſpecially whan ſhe batith. It is calde batyng, for ſhe batith with hiꝛ ſelfe moſt oftyn cauſeles The ſecunde is rebate youre hawke: to yowre fyſt, ⁊ thatt is whan yowre hawke batith, the leeſt meuyng that ye can make with yowre fyſt ſhe will rebate ayen vppon yowre fyſt The thride is feede yowre hawke, and not gyue hiꝛ meete The fawrith is an hawke ſnytith, oꝛ ſewith hiꝛ beke, and now wipith hiꝛ beke The v. youre hauke Joukith, and not ſlepith The vi. youre hawke proynith, and not pikith, and ſhe pronyth not bot whan ſhe begynnyth at hir leggys, and fetcheth moyſtouꝛ like oyle, at hiꝛ taill, and bawmeth hir fetꝛ, ⁊ ſtrikyth the federis of hiꝛ wynges thorow heꝛ beke, and it is calde the note, than as ſhe fetchis the oyle. And ye ſhall vndeꝛſtonde an hawke wolde not be letted of hiꝛ proynyng. Foꝛ that tyme that ſhe proynyth ſhe is lykyng and luſty, and whanne ſhe hathe doone ſhe will rowſe hiꝛe myghtyly.