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Plumage, and Caſte yowre hawke.

A Goſhawke noꝛ a teꝛcell in thare ſore aage haue nott thair mayles named, bot it is calde theiꝛ plumage, and afteꝛ the cote, it is calde theyꝛ Maill And if yowꝛ hawke rewaꝛd to any fowle by countenance for to flee theꝛ to ye ſhall ſay caſt the hawke theꝛ to, and not lett fli theꝛ to.

Nomme oꝛ ſeeſid.

And if yowre hawke Nomme a fowle, and the fowle breke a way fro hir, ſhe hath diſcomfet mony federes of the howle, and is brokyn a way, foꝛ in kyndeli ſpech ye ſhall ſay youre hawke hath Nomme oꝛ ſeeſid a fowle and not take it

werfore an hawke is calde a Rifelere.

And oft tyme it happith mony an hawke foꝛ egeꝛneſſe when he ſhulde Nomme a fowle he ſeeſith bot the federis, and as ofte as he doos ſo he Riflith, theꝛfore ſuch hawkys been called Rifeleres if they doo ofte ſo.

How ye ſhall naame the memberes of yowre hawkis in conuenient termes.

Now ye ſhall vndeꝛſtande the naamys off the membries of hawkys: to begynne at hiꝛ fete and goo vpwaꝛde as knyghttis been haꝛneſſide and aꝛmeed, ⁊ ſo we ſhall enaꝛme heꝛ