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Fyꝛſt the grete Clees behynde, that ſtrenyth the bake of the hande, ye ſhall call hom Talons


The Clees with ī the fote ye ſhall call of right heꝛ Pownces

Longe Sengles.

Bott ceꝛtaynly the Clees that are vppon the medyll ſtretcheris ye ſhall call the loong Sengles.

Pety Sengles.

And the vtteꝛmeſt Clees ye ſhall call the Pety Sengles

The key oꝛ Cloſer.

Undeꝛſtond ye alſo that the longe Senclees be calde the key of the fote, oꝛ the Cloſeꝛ. For what thyng ſom eueꝛ it be yt yowre hawke ſtrength: open that Sengle, and all the fote is oppen, foꝛ the ſtrength theꝛ of foꝛtyfieth all the fote.

Seris of watery oꝛ waxy colowre.

Knawe ye: that the ſkynne a bowte yowre hawke legges ⁊ hiꝛ fete is calde: the Seris of hiꝛ legges and hiꝛ fete, whetheꝛ thay be wateꝛy hewed oꝛ of waxy colowre yolowe.