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Take a quantyte of the Redeneſſe of haſell with the poudre of Raſne and pepeꝛ and ſomwhat of gyngeꝛ. and make thereof in freſh grece .iij. pellettys and holde the hawke to the fire and when ſhe felith the hete. make hiꝛ to ſwalowe the .iij. pellettys by ſtrength. and knytte faſt heꝛ beke. that ſhe caſt it not owte and do ſo thries. and ſhe ſhall be ſafe.

Alſo take Raſne and Rubaꝛbe. and gꝛynde it to gedre. and make Iuce theꝛof and wete the fleſh theꝛin. and yeue it hiꝛ to eete. and ſhe ſhall be hoott.

Alſo take aliſawndre and the Roote of prima roſe and the Roote of gro gnauteles and ſeeth all in the bottre of a kow and yeue hiꝛ .iij. moꝛcellis eueꝛy day vnto the tyme that ſhe be hoole. and looke that ſhe be voide when ye yeue hiꝛ the medecyne.

How a man ſhall take an hawke fro the Eyrer

Who ſo takys an hawke from the Eyereꝛ: hym behoueth to doo wiſely. in bꝛyngyng hym eaſeli. and to kepe him wele from colde. and from huꝛtyng of theyꝛ bonys. foꝛ thay be full tendre. and thay moſt haue grete reſt. and thay may not haue ſtynkyng ⁊ filthy Eyre bot as clene as can ⁊ may be thoght. and eueꝛmore yeue him clene meete. and hote. ⁊ a littyll ⁊ oftyn. ⁊ change oftyn theꝛ meete bot loke it be hot