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Let not an hawke be put in mew to late bot in this maner as it folowth. if ye loue youre hawke

Iff ye loue wele yowre hawke. Kepe heꝛ wele. and put hiꝛ nott late in mewe. foꝛ who ſo foꝛ coueteneſe of flieng leſes the tyme of his hawke mewyng. and withholdis heꝛ to long theꝛfro he may afteꝛ putt hiꝛ ī mewe at auenture. foꝛ then a paꝛte of hiꝛ mewyng tyme is paſt. Who ſo puttyth his hawke in mewe in the begynnyng of Lentyn. if ſhe be kepit as ſhe awth to be ſhe ſhall be mewed. in the begynnyng of Auguſte.

how ye ſhall diſpoſe and oꝛdayn yowre mewe

Sett and diſpoſe yowre mewe. in this maneꝛ ſo. that no weſell neꝛ pulcatt neꝛ non otheꝛ veꝛmyn entre theꝛto Neꝛ none wynde. neꝛ no grete colde. Neꝛ that it be oueꝛ hote. Let that on paꝛte of the mewe be tuꝛned to waꝛde the ſonne. ſo that in the mooſt paꝛte of the day: the ſonne may come Inne.
Alſo ye moſt ſe that ſhe be not auexed neꝛ greued withe mych noyſe. neꝛ with ſong of men. and that no manneꝛ folkes come to hiꝛ. bot oonly he that fedyth hiꝛ.
It behouyth that yowre hawke haue a fedyng ſtokke in hiꝛ mewe. and a longe ſtꝛyng tyed theꝛto: to faſtyn hiꝛ mete with foꝛ ellis ſhe will caꝛy it a bowte the hous. and ſoyle it with duſt And peꝛauenture ſhe will hyde it till it ſtynke. and then fede vppon it. and that myght be hiꝛ deth. and theꝛfor when it is bondyn to the ſayd fedyng ſtocke. ſhe ſhall netheꝛ at the fedyng neꝛ at the tyꝛyng ne at the lightyng ne at the Ryſyng huꝛtte hiꝛ ſelfe. And whan ſhe hath fedde. take a way the remenaunt if any leeue. and in anywyſe that ſhe haue clene mete. and att eueꝛy meett freſh. foꝛ of ſtale metis and euell metis ſhe ſhal engendeꝛ mony ſekeneſes. And loke ye go neueꝛ to yowre