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A medecyne foꝛ an hawke that hath mites.

Take the Iuce of woꝛmewode and put it theꝛ thay be and thei ſhall dye.

That an hauke vſe hir craft all the ſeſon to flye oꝛ lefe.

When ye go to the felde in the latteꝛ ende of hawkyng and deſire that yowre hawke ſhall vſe hiꝛ crafte. Do to hiꝛ in this maneꝛ let hiꝛ ſle a fowle. and let hiꝛ plym vppon it aſmoch as ſhe will. and when ſhe hath plymmed Inough go to hiꝛ ſoftely foꝛ frayng. and rewaꝛde hiꝛ on the fowle. and afteꝛ that ye may caſt hiꝛ on a peꝛch. ⁊ aſwell ſhe may vſe hiꝛ craft ſo. as that ſhe ſlew all the yere.

A medecyne for an hauke that has the ſtoon

Anoynt hiꝛ fundement with Oyll. and put the powdeꝛ of alym with an hole ſtraw.

Alſo take an heꝛbe callid criſtis laꝛddeꝛ. ⁊ anoynt hiꝛ mowthe within and ſhe ſhall be hoott.

Alſo take ſmale flambe rotis and polipodi and the coꝛnes of ſpoꝛge and grinde it weell and ſeeth it in butteꝛ. and drawe it thorugh a clooth. and make thꝛof .iij. pellettis of the grettenes of a Not. and put it in his mowth in the moꝛowtide. and loke that ſhe be voide. and then let hiꝛ faſt till euenſong. and fede hiꝛ littill and littill. and ſhe ſhall be hoott.