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A medecyne foꝛ vermyn.

Take the Iuce of the Roote of ffenell. and do it where the veꝛmyn be. and thay ſhall dye.

A medecine foꝛ the Reume that haukis haue

When ye ſe yowre hauke clooſe heꝛ Eyghen. and ſhakith hiꝛ hede. then hath ſhe the Reume in the hede. Theꝛfore yeue hiꝛ laꝛde of a gote the fiꝛſt day. and the ſecunde yeue hiꝛ epatike with the fleſh of a chycon and ſhe ſhall be hoott.

A medecyne foꝛ haukis that bene dry and deſyre to dꝛynke, to kepe hem moyſt in kynde.

Take the Iuce of haaꝛhounde and weete thyn hawkys mete theꝛin. and fede heꝛ theꝛwith onys oꝛ twyes. and ſhe ſhall be hoott.

Foꝛ ſekenes that haukis haue ī their Entrellis.

AN hakwe that is ſeke within themtrayles: is of an odeꝛ aray then in oder ſekeneſes. foꝛ if ſhe holde not hiꝛ mete bot caſt it. that is tokyn of the foule glet. foꝛ ſuꝛfete of federis that be yeuen to thawkis in theyꝛ yowth. and afteꝛwaꝛde when thay come vnto trauayll. and ben anoyde of the Reueꝛ then thay waxen ſlow to flye and deſire foꝛto reſt. and when thauke is vppon hiꝛ peꝛch then ſhe will ſlepe foꝛto putoueꝛ. at thentꝛīg