The Thousand Most-used Words of English in Neo-phonetic Spelling
(Editor's Note—Dr. Harrington has compiled this list following detailed statistical study of newspapers, magazines, books of varying calibre and purpose, and most especially the silent stream of thought, the words spoken every day, and the words most frequently used on the radio and recorded by phonograph. The list has been further improved by comparison with vocabularies given in the various books used for learning foreign Ianguages, and especially with the statistical work of Professor Curme in determining the commonest words of German).

Illustration 10
Autdocr Necmz (Outdoor Names)
1 smock (smoke) 2 skai (sky) 3 klaud (cloud) 4 barn (barn) 5 hecstaek (haystack) 6 tric (tree) 7 wudz (woods) 8 haus (house) 9 kau (cow) 10 ficld (field) 11 fens (fence) 12 rocd (road) 13 hors (horse) 14 aotomobicl (automobile)
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