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and bring him to eternal rest with voice of exultation and of confession. Amen.

O SWEET Jesu, Son of the living God, right merciful Lord, in union with that commendation by the which, in dying on the cross. Thou commendest Thy right holy soul to Thy heavenly Father, we commend to Thine ineffable pity the soul of this Thy servant, N., our brother; (in) requiring and praying Thy right merciful bounty that by the merit and honour of Thy much holy soul, by the which all souls be saved and from (the) death duly delivered, that it may please Thee, merciful Lord, to deliver this soul from all pains and miseries; and that for the love and intercession of Thy right sweet Mother, thou wilt conduct and lead it to behold the glory of this glorious vision. Amen.

God right mighty, debonair and merciful, which that, after the multitude of Thy mercy, effacest and puttest away the sins of them that be repentant, and that by pardon and remission voidest the culpe and blame of all sins; behold with pity (upon) this Thy servant, N., our brother, which with all confession of heart requireth of Thee pardon and remission of all his sins. Accord and grant it to him, we pray Thee, and renew in him, much piteous Father, all that which by worldly frailty hath been in him corrupt, and all that which by fraud