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diabolic hath been in him violated and despoiled, and assemble him in the unity of our Mother, Holy Church, as one of the number of Redemption. Lord have mercy on his wailings, have mercy on his tears, and bring him to the sacrament of Thine holy reconciliation; for he hath no trust but in Thine infinite mercy.

To Our Blessed Lady

O RIGHT ENTIRE, AND ETERNAL BLESSED VIRGIN, glorious Maid, aideress and helper of all anguish and necessity, succour us sweetly now; and show to thy servant here, N., our brother, thy gracious visage in this last necessity. Withdraw and put from him all his enemies, by the virtue of thy right dear Son, our Lord Jesu Christ, and by His holy cross and passion; and deliver him from all anguish of body and soul, to the end that to God our Lord he yield praising without end. Amen.

To Saint Michael

Saint Michael Archangel of God, succour us now before the right high Judge. O champion invincible, be thou present now and assist to this, N., our brother, which strongly laboureth towards his end, and defend him mightily from the dragon infernal, and from all the frauds of the evil spirits. O yet furthermore, we pray thee, which art the right clear and much fair