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in her bosom was perfectly contained very God and Man, by the great mystery of the Holy Ghost, without knowledge and company of any earthly man, and she a pure, chaste, virgin, flowering in virginity, and by hearing of the holy Archangel Gabriel, which brought unto her the most gracious and good tidings that ever came to mankind.

Now holy Faith, take with you Hope, and ye twain, of your perfect charity, be mine advocates in the High Court, and refuse me not; nor disdain me for mine horrible and abominable sins that I have done, which asketh vengeance in this world, and damnation eternal, without the mercy of Him that is Almighty. What mean[1] might I have thereto ? I pray you counsel me, for ye know well that my reason never discorded from the faith.

And as to you Hope, I hope that ye will say for me that I have hoped always to the mercies of Almighty God; and that I should be one of the children of salvation, and one of those that should be redeemed by the precious and bitter painful passion, as other sinners have been. And certainly other plea or resistance I can not make. But, and ye twain would be mean for me to that most glorious and pure chaste Virgin, that chosen was by the one assent of the whole glorious Trinity to do the most glorious and worshipfuUest act that ever was done. For her chastity, her pure virginity, her meekness, her virtue and her constancy, was cause that she was chosen by all the whole glorious Trinity to be the Daughter,

  1. mediator