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Mother, and Spouse to the most glorious Trinity; and that she should bear Him that should redeem all mankind from damnation. Who may so well (be) advocatrice to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost as she? And ye will be mean to her for me, I hope she will not refuse me. For I understand and know well that she hath holpen many a sinner that hath right grievously offended; and in the holy psalm that was made between her and her cousin, Saint Elizabeth, it was said that all generations should bless her. I hope at the beginning of the world Our Lord put not me out of His number of those that should bless His most holy Mother, and record her mercy, pity, and grace that she showeth to sinners when they have none other succour nor help.

She is Mother of orphans, and she is Consolation of those that be desolate. She is Guide to those that be out of the way, to set them in the right way. I am an orphan. I am desolate. I am out of the way. I wot not where to cry and call after succour and help, but only to her that bare our aller[1] Redemptor. Who may so well be mean to the Son as the Mother? And ye twain. Faith and Hope, would be mean to the Mother of mercy for me. Now gracious Faith and Hope, do your part, and disdain not my request though I desire you to this occupation. For, and ye twain would deny me, to say for me, I doubt I should fall in despair. For on whom to call for after succour I wot not; and to put myself in press[2] as a poor naked beast, unclothed in virtue and repleted with

  1. i.e. of us all.
  2. i.e. exert myself