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The Introduction.

tains with Thunder, after which no Breeze.

12. A fresh Sea-Breeze till night, very hot evenings and mornings; most people are broke out with Pustles in their Skins.
13. A great Sea-Breeze.
14. I went to Port-Royal, the Sea-Breeze came in the morning about nine or ten; yesterday, by it's violence it had broke a Guinea Ships Cable, and set her adrift.
15. A great Breeze and Thunder with Rain in the Mountains.
16. About nine the Breeze rose, it was moderate considering the time of the Moon.
17. A great Sea-Breeze, Thunder with Rain in the Mountains.
18. A moderate Sea-Breeze, towards noon Thunder, and two great Showers.
19. A Sea-Breeze, moderate, but no Rain.
20. Little or no Breeze, great Lightning last night, with Thunder towards the Sea in the morning.
21. A Little Rain in the morning, no Breeze till the afternoon, then a great Sea-Breeze with abundance of Rain, but no Thunder nor Lightning, the Rain lasted till six at night.
22. A great Sea-Breeze, no Rain.
23. A moderate Breeze, Rain towards the evening, it continues all night with great Thunder.
24. A pretty strong Breeze.
25. A very strong Breeze, some Rain in the night.
26. A great Breeze, no Rains; Quotidians, or every day Agues, very frequent.
27. A great Breeze, no Rain, but pretty cool weather.
28. A great Breeze. Coming from Port-Royal our Boat out-sail'd, or went faster than the Breeze.
29. No Rain, but a great Breeze.
30. A pretty large Breeze, with Rain in the Mountains.
31. A great Sea-Breeze.

June 1688.

 1. A Moderate Breeze.
 2. A great Sea-Breeze.
 3. A great Sea-Breeze.
 4. A great Sea-Breeze.
 5. A moderate Sea-Breeze, it continued the most part of the night.
 6. A great Sea-Breeze, it begins late.
 7. A moderate Sea-Breeze, it begins late.
 8. A moderate Sea-Breeze.
 9. The Breeze begins very late.
10. A very easie Sea-Breeze, if any at all.
11. Rain about four and five this morning, no Breeze all day, towards the evening one from the Land.
12. Little or no Breeze from the Sea in the morning, towards twelve a Clock a very great one, with Rain in the evening.
13. Rain