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The Introduction.

13. Rain this morning, no Breeze, but a Sea Breeze, with Rain towards the evening.
14. The most part of last night a great Sea Breeze, with some little Rain in the morning, about eight a great Rain, it continued all day to rain and blow from the Sea alternatively.
15. This morning fair, but no Breeze till towards Noon, and then very moderate.
16. No Breeze in the morning, but towards Noon a pretty strong one from the Sea.
17. A pretty great Sea Breeze, Rain with Thunder in the Mountains.
18. In the morning Thunder, with Rain from the Sea, a pretty large Breeze towards Noon, fair all day after, with a moderate Breeze from the Sea.
19. A moderate Breeze towards ten, and about Noon it was very strong with Thunder and Rain in the Mountains.
20. A moderate Sea Breeze.
21. A very great Breeze from the Sea.
22. A moderate Sea, Breeze till night, then a very violent one, with Rain from the Sea.
23. A very great Sea Breeze, in the evening one from the Land.
24. A very great Sea Breeze.
25. A moderate Sea Breeze.
26. A very small Sea Breeze.
27. A very moderate Sea Breeze.
28. A very great Sea Breeze.
29. A moderate Sea Breeze.
30. A moderate Sea Breeze.

July 1688.

 2. A Very great Sea Breeze.
 3. A very great Sea Breeze.
 4. A very great Sea Breeze till towards two in the Afternoon, then Showers of Rain.
 5. A moderate Breeze, Rain about Noon from the Mountains.
 6. A moderate Breeze, with Rain towards Noon.
 7. A moderate Breeze.
 8. A moderate Breeze.
 9. A very easie Breeze, with Sultry uneasie weather, towards the evening Thunder with Rain in the Mountains.
10. A very moderate Breeze.
11. A moderate Breeze, Rain in the afternoon from the Sea, with two very heavy showers in the night.
12. A moderate Breeze, with Thunder and Rain in the Mountains, and the tail of a Shower in Town.
13. A moderate Sea Breeze.
14. A moderate Sea Breeze.
15. A moderate Sea Breeze,
16. A very great Sea Breeze with Thunder in the Mountains.
17. A great Sea Breeze.
18. A very strong Sea Breeze.
19. A very great Sea Breeze.
20. A very moderate Sea Breeze, with overcast cloudy weather.
21. A moderate Sea Breeze, which continues pretty strong till nine at night.
22. Very