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hairy; caps. with a long tapering neck, lid more convex and shortly beaked; from crispum by its longer seta and shorter caps. not contracted at mouth when dry, and by its smooth glossy calyptra.

Trees. VI.

Killarney (Dr. Moore and Dr. Carrington); Dailly and Loch Doon (J. Shaw).

255. O. Bruchii. Brid. St. short tufted; l. spreading sharply linear-lanceolate from an ovate base, contorted when dry, sometimes wavy; caps. pyriform on a long seta, with eight broad striæ, and contracted at mouth when dry; calyp. blackish yellow, with many furrows and very hairy; perist. of 16 teeth in pairs, and eight, very seldom 16, cilia.

Trees. Scotland, Yorkshire, Westmoreland, &c. VII. VIII.

256. O. Drummondii. H. & G. St. longer, creeping, l. linear-lanceolate from a narrow ovate base, blunt-pointed, scarcely crisped, margin hardly recurved; caps. oblong-pyriform, deeply striate, and contracted at mouth when dry, on a long seta; calyp. with long stiff hairs; perist. of 16 teeth in pairs, and no cilia.

Trunks of young trees. S. I. E. VIII.

257. O. Hutchinsiæ. Sm. St. about ½in. tufted; l. erecto-patent broadly lanceolate, nerved to blunt apex, margin scarcely reflexed; caps. clavate-pyriform, with eight broad striæ, slightly contracted at mouth when dry; apophysis tapering; calyp. large, very hairy. Perist. 16 teeth in pairs, and eight short cilia, sometimes wanting.

Mountainous rocks. W. I. S. E. VII.

258. O. phyllanthum. B. & S. St. 1in. tufted; l. linear-lanceolate without a broad base, nerve extending to