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apex or exserted, where it is generally covered with gemmæ, crisped when dry; fruit not known.

Rocks and trees, generally near the sea.

37. ZYGODON. Hook. & T.

A. Peristome absent.

1. Caps. on a short seta.

259. Z. Lapponicus. B. & S. St. ½-in. cæspitose radiculose; l, spreading, linear-lanceolate keeled, contorted when dry, nerve ceasing near apex; per. l. ovate-lanceolate; caps. scarcely exserted turbinate, deeply eight-striate, urceolate when dry; lid with a short oblique beak: monoicous.

Crevices of alpine rocks. S. W. Summer.

260. Z. Mougeottii. B. & S. St. more than 1 inch cæspitose, scarcely radiculose; l. fasciculate recurved, narrowly linear-lanceolate, margin reflexed below, nerved to apex, not contorted when dry; caps. turbinate urceolate when dry, eight-striate; lid with a long very oblique beak: dioicous.

Moist shady rocks. Summer.

2. Caps. on a longer seta.

261. Z. viridissimus. Brid. St. ½-1in., fastigiate, radiculose below; l. much spreading recurved, widely lanceolate, somewhat contorted when dry, nerve sometimes slightly excurrent; caps. obovate obscurely eight-striate; lid with a long oblique beak: dioicous.

Trees and rocks. III. IV.