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B. Peristome present.

1. Inner perist. fugacious.

262. Z. conoideus. Dicks. St. very short, cæspitose, fastigiate, densely radiculose; l. somewhat spreading, not recurved, widely lanceolate, with plane margins, and nerved nearly to apex; caps. pyriform, tapering below, eight-striate, lid with a long straight beak; perist., outer eight short recurved teeth, inner eight yellowish cilia, often absent: dioicous.

Trees. S. I. E. V.

2. Inner perist. persistent.

263. Z. Forsteri. Dicks. St. ¼-½in. densely tufted, with whitish radicles; l. erecto-patent, elliptic-lanceolate, nerved to apex or slightly excurrent; areolæ hexagonal (not as in all the previous ones, dot-like), oblong and diaphanous at base; caps. pyriform, striate; lid with a long inclined beak; perist., outer eight acute bi-geminate teeth, inner eight alternating cilia: monoicous.

Trees. South of England, rare. Spring.

264. Z. gracilis. Wils. MS. St. 1in. or more, tufted, branched; l. lanceolate twisted when dry, with plane margins, and denticulate near the apex; areolæ close and punctate above, large and pellucid below.

Old walls. Malham (J. Nowell) in fr., Sept., 1866.

[I have no specimen in fruit.]

38. TETRAPHIS. Hedw.

265. T. pellucida. Hed. St. ½-1in.; l. lower, ovate-acuminate, nerved, reddish, upper larger ovate-lanceolate