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Anodus (11). Annual or biennial; caps. pedicillate; columella free; l. setaceous, erect. 38.

δ. caps. obovate or clavate; lid plane or conical; l. loosely reticulated.

  • Calyptra mitriform.

Schistostega (70). Caps. small oval, lid convex; calyptra small, at length dimidiate; infl. dioicous terminal, barren fl. gemmiform; l. nerveless, vertically distichous, very tender, areolæ large rhomboid. 135.

Physcomitrium (59). Annual or biennial. Primary stem terminated by a discoid barren fl. from below which rises a branch bearing a terminal fertile fl.; caps. clavate, lid convex; calyptra large inflated; l. spreading every way, nerved; areolæ large oblong, acute. 127.

  • * Calyptra dimidiate.

Œdipodium (69). Caps. with a long tapering apophysis, gradually passing into the fruit stalk; lid plano-convex; infl. monoicous or synoicous; l. succulent broad, obtuse; areolæ roundish hexagonal, larger at base. 135.

ε. caps. globose; lid almost plane.

  • Calyptra conico-mitriform, small; l. nerveless.

Hedwigia (30). Caps. immersed, sub-sessile; infl. monoicous, barren fl. axillary gemmiform; areolæ small quadrate, longer and flexuose below. 76.