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Hedwigidium (31). Caps. exserted on a short pedicel; barren fl. terminal; stem stoloniferous; l. plicate longitudinally, areolæ longer. 77.

  • * Calyptra dimidiate; l. nerved.

Bartramidula (60). Caps. on a curved pedicel, smooth, cernuous; infl. synoicous; lid small sub-conical; calyptra small cucullate; areolæ lax, oblong-hexagonal. 128.

II. Peristome single.

Sub-div. I. Calyptra mitriform.

[dagger] Calyptra plicato-striate.

a. teeth four.

Tetraphis (38). Perennial, caulescent, cæspitose; per. teeth long rigid, with irregular longitudinal lines; areolæ hexagonal. 98.

Tetrodontium (39). Annual, stem none, gregarious; l. few, very minute. 99.

b. Teeth 16, equidistant.

Ptychomitrium (35). Caps. erect, regular, tapering at base, annulus large, lid conico-rostrate; teeth bifid, not hygroscopic; calyptra deeply furrowed, mitriform, subulate above, shorter than capsule; infl. monoicous; barren. fl. gemmiform, generally axillary. 89.

c. Teeth 16, in pairs.

Glyphomitrium (34). Calyptra large ventricose laciniate