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427. L. subrufa. Wils. St. about 1in. or less, erect, branched; foliage, young green, older brownish; l. almost erect, sub-secund, lanceolate, long tapering, nerveless, entire; caps. ovate, tapering below, almost erect; lid conical pointed; dioicous. Fruit not found in Britain.

Sub-alpine rocks. Summer.

83. HYPNUM. Dill.

Sub-genus I. Thuyidium. St. erect, pinnate or bipinnate, with numerous branched villi; l. densely papillose on the back; nerve single.

a. St. simply pinnate.

428. H. (Thuyidium.) abietinum. Dill. St. 2-4in. rigid, reddish, not always erect; br. slightly drooping crowded; l. imbricate, erecto-patent, more or less secund; st. l. ovate or cordate acuminate, serrulate near apex, plicate; br. l. narrower, less plicate; all papillose on back and keel, nerved nearly to apex; areolæ dot-like; caps. oblong-cylindrical, arcuate, cernuous; lid conical: dioicous.

Alpine rocks, chalk hills, &c. Spring.

429. H. (Thuyidium) Blandovii. W. & M. St. 3in. erect, flexible; br. slender, spreading; l. loosely imbricate, erect from a spreading base, broadly ovate or sub-cordate, acute, narrowed at base almost to a pedicel, keeled, serrulate, not papillose on keel, thinly nerved nearly to apex, margin recurved: areolæ larger, sub-hexagonal; caps. oblong, curved, cernuous; lid conical, with a blunt point: monoicous.

Bogs, rare. V.