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430. H. (Thuyidium) DECIPIENS. De Not. (H. rigidulum. Ferg.) St. 2-4in. rigid, villous, with short attenuate branches; st. l. distant, sub-squarrose, deltoid-ovate, suddenly acuminate auricled, concave serrate, papillose on both sides, sometimes secund above; br. l. smaller, crowded, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, spreading or secund, nerved halfway or more; areolæ large hexagonal and pellucid at base, above oval-elongate confused (Fergusson).

Springs and streams. Ben Lawers (Dr. Stirton), 1866; Clova, 2800 ft. (Fergusson), 1868; Auchinblae, 800 ft. (Sim and Fergusson); Glas Mheal, Perthshire, 2500 ft. (G. E. Hunt). All barren.

b. St. bi- or tri-pinnate: dioicous.

431. H. (Thuyidium) DELICATULUM. L. St. elongate, erect or procumbent, bipinnate; br. drooping, often rooting at apex; l. broadly cordate or ovate acuminate, sub-striate, papillose or muricate on back and keel, nerved nearly to apex, which is finely serrulate; caps. sub-cylindrical curved, cernuous, pale brown, lid large conical, not rostrate.

Limestone and chalk rocks, &c. VII. VIII.

432. H. (Thuyidium) TAMARISCINUM. Hedw. St. elongate, arched, procumbent, interruptedly tri-pinnate; br. not rooting; st. l. cordate acuminate, plicate; br. l. ovate, obtuse; all papillose at back, but not so much so as last; serrulate near and nerved almost to apex; caps. oblong-cylindrical, curved, cernuous, purplish red; lid large conical, with a long beak.

Woods and banks, frequent. XI.