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two-nerved, shining; areolæ linear; caps. incurved cernuous; lid mammillate or convexo-conical.

1. St. more or less regularly pinnate; l. patent or loosely imbricate.

a. Monoicous.

530. H. cordifolium. Swartz. Bright green above, reddish brown below; st. 3-6in. erect, sub-pinnate; br. short slender; l. spreading, almost squarrose, convolute and cuspidate at tip of branches, distant, cordate-ovate, obtuse, or slightly apiculate, concave entire, strongly nerved almost to apex; cells scarcely enlarged at base; caps. oblong, suddenly horizontal, not tapering at base; lid conical.

Marshes and ditches. IV. V.

b. Dioicous.

531. H. giganteum. Schp. St. erect, thick, often 1ft. long, densely pinnate; st. l. patent, broadly cordate-ovate, strongly nerved to apex; cells linear, excavate and quadrate at basal angles; br. l. lingulate narrow, terminal ones twisted and subulate; per. l. oblong-lanceolate; caps. oblong-cylindrical, sub-incurved, horizontal, on a long seta; annulus none; lid mammillate. [Schp. Syn. 642.]

Marshes. Hale Moss and Wybunbury Bog. Summer.

532. H. sarmentosum. Wahl. St. 1in. or more, procumbent, sub-pinnate; br. short cuspidate; foliage red or purplish; l. much crowded, sub-erect, elliptic-oblong, scarcely pointed, concave, entire, nerved almost to apex; areolæ large, quadrate and pellucid at basal angles; caps. ovate-oblong, cernuous.

Wet alpine rocks. Spring (?)