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533. H. cuspidatum. Dill. St. 2-6in. erect, pinnate; terminal foliage cuspidate; l. spreading, almost squarrose, when young erect appressed and convolute; ovate, obtuse, entire, nerveless or shortly two-nerved; cells enlarged and pellucid at basal angles; caps. oblong, much curved, tapering below; lid conical acute.

Marshes. V. VI.

534. H. Schreberi. Dill. St. 4-6in. erect, pinnate, deep red, with slender curved branches, somewhat cuspidate at summit; l. convolute, afterwards erecto-patent, elliptical, concave, obtuse, shortly two-nerved; cells enlarged at basal angles; caps. ovate-oblong curved cernuous; lid conical, pointed.

Woods and shady banks. X. XI.

535. H. purum. Dill. St. 4-6in., not coloured, erect, pinnate; br. slightly curved, not cuspidate at apex; l. closely imbricate, broadly elliptical, concave, with recurved points, almost boat-shaped, entire, nerved half way; caps. ovate, suddenly horizontal; lid conical.

Shady banks. X. XI.

2. St. almost simple, or sparingly branched; l. closely imbricate when dry: dioicous.

536. H. stramineum. Dicks. St. 2-4in. erect, filiform, with few erect branches; l. erecto-patent, elliptic-oblong, obtuse, entire, concave, thinly nerved nearly to apex; cells enlarged quadrate and pellucid at basal angles; caps. small, ovate, curved, cernuous; lid short, conical.

Marshes amongst Sphagnum; rare in fr. IV. V.

537. H. trifarium. W. & M. St. 2-3in. erect or trailing, sparingly branched; l. very closely imbricate,