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92. D. circinnatum. Wils. Dioicous, in loose irregular light green tufts; st. 3-6in. dichotomous, geniculate or ascending, with radicles from base of leaves. L. very long, secund, arcuate from an oblong sheathing base decurrent at angles, longly subulate concave; nerve flattened, covering one-fifth of base and all the subula, which is denticulate; base laxly areolate in middle, with narrower cells at margin. [Dr. Braithwaite, l. c. 230.]

Fr. unknown.

Ben Voirlich, Clova, Ben Nevis, Lennox Castle.

Sect. III. Scopariæ. St. loosely or densely matted, tall, with proliferous radicular fibres; l. long spreading or secund, lanceolate-subulate, glossy, denticulate at apex; nerve with or without dorsal lamellæ; caps. cernuous bent; lid with a long beak.

93. D. fuscescens. Turn. St. 2-3m. loosely tufted; l. spreading, sub-secund, flexuose, canaliculate, minutely toothed at apex, nerve excurrent; caps. oblong incurved, furrowed when dry; lid with a very long beak.

Alpine and sub-alpine rocks. VIII.

94. D. scoparium. Hedw. St. 2-4in. loosely tufted dichotomous; l. secund or falcato-secund, carinato-concave, margins inflexed, serrate at apex; nerve with about four prominent ridges at back, serrate at apex; per. l. larger convolute; caps. cylindrical, slightly curved; lid with a long beak.

Shady banks and rocks, common. VII. VIII.

var. β. orthophyllum. stem erect; l. erecto-patent or sub-secund straight.