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γ. curvatum. branches curved ascending, l. more falcate; caps. shorter.

95. D. majus. Turn. St. 4-6in. loosely cæspitose; l. falcato-secund; concave dentato-serrate at apex; caps. horizontally cernuous, curved, furrowed when dry; lid and calyptra very long; fruitstalks pale aggregate.

Shady banks, &c., in woods. VII. VIII.

Sect. IV. Undulata. St. very tall, with radicular fibres; l. large glossy, spreading every way or secund, lanceolate below, linear-subulate above; nerve flattish, with lamellæ at back.

96. D. palustre. Brid. St. 3-4in. erect branched sub-fastigiate; l. spreading, sub-secund, linear-lanceolate undulated, terminal ones crowded into a cuspidate cluster on the barren shoots; serrate at apex; nerve thin and narrow, not reaching to apex, and without ridges; caps. sub-erect, slightly curved, sub-cylindrical, striate.

Marshy places and moist banks. IX.

var. β. juniperifolium. with shorter, wider, and more rigid leaves.

γ. polycladum. branches slender flagelliform; l. small imbricate.

97. D. Schraderi. Schwaeg. St. 3-6in.; l. sub-secund, rather obtuse, carinato-concave, subrugose, toothed on margin and keel, sub-papillose at back near apex; caps. oval-oblong incurved; lid rostrate.

Turfy bogs, rare. IX.