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high, stem erect, dichotomous, with rufous radicles from back of leaf-base at base of innovations. L. rigid, fragile, and deciduous, erect or slightly secund, lowest lanceolate, becoming larger upwards and longly subulate, subtubular, subula sharply or obsoletely serrate. Nerve half width of base. Auricles very large decurrent, cells orange brown, central hyaline, above laxer narrowly hexagono-rectangular, and at last quadrate without chlorophyll, solid and yellowish.

Moist heaths and rocks. Wales and Scotland.

108. C. flexuosus. Brid. Tufts dense yellowish green. Stems 1/2-[1-1/2]in. high, erect dichotomous, with rufous purple radicles to apex, bearing gemmæ intermixed. L. patent straight or secund, sub-falcate, lower lanceolate upper subulate, uppermost very long and toothed at apex all concave, glossy, red when old. Nerve one-third width of base; angles not decurrent, with short wide fuscous cells, others hexagono-rectangular, upper quadrate and chlorophyllose; per. l. nine; inner sheathing longly subulate, with a narrower nerve, calyptra fuscous at apex. Caps. oval, regular, or gibbous, short-necked olivaceous, with eight striæ, sulcate when dry; lid conico-rostrate; annulus broad double.

Sub-alpine moist rocks and peaty soil. XI.

109. C. paradoxus. Wils. MS. Tufts 1/2-1 in. high, fastigiate, dull yellowish green above, pale brown below; st. with short lateral ramuli, and few rufous radicles. L. erecto-patent (erecto-appressed when dry) uppermost longest slightly secund lanceolate-subulate, concave; apex usually of two teeth, with a few irregular ones below on each side. Nerve one-third width of base. Lamina extended to apex; basal cells thin enlarged hyaline when young, afterwards