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fuscous, above rectangular, in 14-16 longitudinal rows, thickened and quadrate towards apex.

Peaty soil, Cheviots (barren), Boyd and Hardy, 1868.

110. C. setifolius. Wils. Tufts lax soft, bright or yellowish green above, blackish below, without radicles. St. 5-10in. slender, erect, geniculate. L. distant erecto-patent or sub-secund, glossy, from a lanceolate base gradually running into a very long subula, sometimes half twisted; uppermost with wings serrate. Nerve half width of base; auricles very large and inflated, the cells partly fuscous, partly hyaline, hexagonal, above hexagono-rectangular, upper rhombic chlorophyllose; fl. of each sex collected in capitula; males 3-4, fem. numerous.

Wet places, and clefts of rocks. I. S.

111. C. Swartzii. Schpr. Tufts dense soft yellowish green, brownish below, without radicles. St. 2-3in. slender; l. erecto-patent, straight or slightly secund, lowest lanceolate, upper lanceolate-subulate, entire at apex, base somewhat sheathing, auricles hyaline inflated decurrent. Nerve two-thirds of base, finely sulcate at back towards apex. Basal areolæ narrow, auricular very lax hexagono-rectangular hyaline, above subquadrate.

Granite alpine rocks. Wales, Scotland.

  • * L. not auricled.

§ St. radiculose.

112. C. fragilis. B. & S. Tufts pale green glossy, st. 1/2-2in. fragile. L. densely crowded erecto-patent rigid incumbent when dry, lower lanceolate, upper extended into a subula, toothed at apex, wings recurved above. Nerve very