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Page 348

Linda Starke, Editor
Peter Stone, Director of Information
Edith Surber, Finance and Administrative Officer

General Services and Support Staff:

Brita Baker
Elisabeth Bohler-Goodship
Marie-Pierre Destouet
Marian Doku
Tamara Dunn
Aud Loen
Jelka de Marsano
Chedra Mayhew
Christel Oileach
Ellen Permato
Guadalupe Quesad
Mildred Raphoz
Evelyn Salvador
Teresa Harmand
Iona D'Souza
Kay Streit
Vicky Underhill
Shane Vandrwert

The Commission held its first official meeting in Geneva on 1–3 October 1984. During that meeting, the Commission agreed upon its Mandate, the key issues it would address in the course of its deliberations, the strategy it would employ to achieve its objectives, and the workplan and timetable that would be used to guide its work. Immediately following that meeting, the Commission publicly released its principal working document. 'Mandate for Change'

At its Inaugural Meeting, the Commission selected eight key issues for analysis during the course of its work:

  • Perspectives on Population, Environment, and Sustainable Development;
  • Energy: Environment and Development:
  • Industry: Environment and Development;
  • Food Security, Agriculture, Forestry, Environment, and Development;
  • Human Settlements: Environment and Development:
  • International Economic Relations. Environment, and Development;
  • Decision Support Systems for Environmental Management;
  • International Cooperation.

It agreed that it would examine these issues from the perspective of the year 2000 and beyond and from tile perspective of their common sources in economic, social, and sectoral policies.

At its Inaugural Meeting, the Commission also decided that its processes would be open, visible, and participatory and that in conducting its work, strategies would be employed to ensure it of receiving the broadest range of views and advice on the key issues it was addressing.

The Commission therefore decided that it would hold deliberative meetings in all regions of the world and that it would take the occasion of those meetings to get a first hand view of environment and development issues in those regions. It also decided to use these visits to hold open Public Hearings where
