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senior government representatives. scientists and experts, research institutes, industrialists. representatives of non-governmental organizations, and the general public could openly express their concerns to the Commission and submit their views and advice on issues of common concern.

These Public Hearings, which are a unique feature of the Commission, have become its 'trademark', demonstrating both to the Commissioners and the participants that the issues addressed by the Commission are indeed of global concern and do transcend national boundaries and disparate cultures. Hundreds of organizations and individuals gave testimony during the Public Hearings and over 500 written submissions constituting more than l0,000 pages of material were received by the Commission in connection with them. The Public Hearings have been of immeasurable benefit to the Commissioners and the Secretariat, and the gratitude of the Commission is extended to all who contributed to their success.

Deliberative meetings, site visits, and or Public Hearings of the Commission were held in Jakarta, Indonesia, 27–31 March 1985: Oslo, Norway, 21–28 June 1985: Sao Paulo and Brasilia, Brazil, 25 October–4 November 1985: Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto, Ottawa, Halifax, and Quebec City, Canada, 21–31 May 1986; Harare, Zimbabwe, 15–19 September, Nairobi, Kenya, 20–23 September 1986; Moscow, USSR. 6–12 December 1986; and Tokyo, Japan, 23–28 February 1987. Special working group meetings of the Commission were also held in Geneva, Moscow, and Berlin (West).

To further widen its base of information and advice, the Commission appointed a group of expert Special Advisors to assist it and the Secretariat in the analysis of the key issues. These included Edward S. Ayensu on Food Security and Forestry, Gamani Corea on International Economic Relations, Gordon T. Goodman on Energy. Ashok Khosla on Decision Support Systems for Environmental Management. Robert D. Munro on International Cooperation and Legal Regimes, Michael Royston on Industry, Johan Jorgen Holst on Environment and Security, and Guy-Olivier Segond on Youth. The Chairman was also advised by Hans Christian Bugge and Morten Wetland. Later in its work, the Commission appointed Lloyd Timberlake as Special Editorial Advisor.

To assist it in its work in three of the key issue areas Energy, Industry, and Food Security – the Commission constituted Advisory Panels of leading experts to advise it on the recommendations and conclusions it should consider making. The chairmen and members of the Commission's Advisory Panels were:

Advisory Panel on Energy:

Chairman: Enrigue Iglesias, Foreign Minister of Uruguay

Members: Abdlatif Y. A1-Hamad (Kuwait)
Toyoaki Ikuta (Japan)
Gu Jian (China)
Al Noor Kassum (Tanzania)
