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ſo far amazed, that ſhe immediately took hold of her hand, and ſaid, Dear daughter, art thou alive? and with that gave her a kiſs, being ſo tranſported, as ſhe hardly knew what ſhe did or ſaid: However the young woman in a very little time came to herſelf, and made ſigns to be put to bed which was performed with all expedition, there ſhe had not been above half an hour before ſhe came to ſpeech, and expreſſed to this effect.

I have been, ſaid ſhe, among the glorified ſaints of heaven, where nothing but comfort and delight appeared to my ſenſes. Oh! how unwilling was I to return to this earthly tabarnacle; but I am ſent back again for three days to declare to you what is to happen in theſe parts of the world. betwixt this and midſummer, if they will not obey the voice of the almighty and repent of their abominable ſins, otherwiſe what is threatened by our enemies, will certainly fall upon these nations. But firſt, I muſt tell you what I have ſeen, and then proceed to declare what I have heard beſides the glorious company of angels continually praiſing God, with other extraordinary appearances too great for me in this ſtate of mortality to expreſs, I ſaw on my left hand moſt diſmal and terrible darkneſs, and heard the ſaddeſt and moſt lamentable cries that ever were uttered with curſes and other blaſphemous expreſſions againſt the Creator of heaven and earth with the ghaſtly appearance of terrible and frightful ſpirits, aggravating each other's torment,