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accompanied with ſlaſhings of fire aud brimſtone, while the dammed where repeating their endleſs torments, without the leaſt hopes of deliverance.

Having ſeen and heard ten times more than is convenient to be uttered, I was conducted through a ſpacious palace which let down to a great pair of ſtairs by a glorious Perſon in white raiment; who as ſoon as we had got to the bottom, told me, that I muſt return from whence I came and declare to the world what I had ſeen: withal adding that after three days I ſhould leave my earthly habitation and return to him who made me, and live with him to all eternity.

He alſo bid me tell you, that the kingdoms of Great Britain, France and Ireland, were to undergo many difficulties ere it be long. This the glorious Perſon told me, would as ſurely come to paſs, as that of my own death three days hence; ſo that I have but three days more to live according to the juſt decree of heavenly power, which I patiently ſubmit to.

And as ſoon as this heavenly Perſon had done telling what ſhould happen to theſe parts relating to theſe kingdom; as he was going away, he turned himſelf ſuddenly backwards to me as if he had forgot ſomething remarkable, Pray, ſays he, give your friends this caution, it they do not mend their lives, and repent their ſins, which they too much abound in, what I have ſaid of their enemies ſhall fall upon their heads, when they think