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themſelves ſecure from danger; Pray, let this part of my charge be particularly remembered by all of them! Having finiſhed what he intended, he immediately vaniſhed, and I awaked; and thus, dear friends, have I faithfully declared to you what I have ſeen and heard, deſiring you to communicate it to the world, that the people of this nation may ſee what wonderful favours Providence has ordained for them, if their repeated wickedneſs do not fruſtrate the ineſtimable bleſſings appointed for their preſervation.

After having declared the above particulars with much chearfulneſs ſhe deſired her loving parents who continually attended her, not to be troubled about her ſudden departure from them, by reaſon ſhe had ſuch an heavenly warning to prepare for it: She continued praiſing Almighty God, for his wonderful goodneſs to her, till the day of her departure, which happened the third day after ſhe came out of her Trance being all that time in as perfect health as ever ſhe was in her life, and appeared with a fairer countenance than ever.

The morning before ſhe died, ſhe wrote the following paper with her own hand which ſhe left as a legacy to all young women to take a pattern thereby.


O FATHER of heaven, and God of all mercies, I humbly thank thy divine