Page:Buxom dame of Reading, or, The cuckold's cap (2).pdf/4

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WHen the trees all their beautiful verdure renew,
and the meadows looks charmingly gay,
When ſmiling Creation looks blooming to view,
replete with the beauties of May.

When the light-hearted ſhepherd chants muſical ſtrains
as he pipes to his ſlocks on the hill;
And the lambkins delighted ſkip blyth o'er the plains,
or friſk by the murmuring rill.

When the cows round the country a gadding repair,
or beneath the cool ſhade ſhun the heat,
When the crimſon-cheek'd milk-maid does kindly prepare,
for her ſweet-heart a ſyllabub treat.

When the country girls wantonly ſport in the deep,
ſo cautious, that all muſt be huſh,
Yet oft they ſly ruſtic procures a full peep,
from the ſide of ſome hillock or buſh.

At eve when the lads and the laſſes do meet,
in a circle to dance on the green,
What native ſimplicity void of deceit,
and modeſty ſtampt on their mein;

When the birds ſeem inſpir'd by the ſmiling, ſerene,
in muſical melody vie;
And the hares midſt the corn fields they ſafely remain,
or ſecure in the green meadows lie.

In a ſnug rural cottage ſurrounded with trees,
where murmuring rivulets glide,
My attendants be plenty, contentment and eaſe,
in ſolitude let me reſide:

Where grant me kind Powers in this ſeaſon of love,
a fond fair one my bleſs to compleat,
Whole tender endearments can ſadneſs remove,
and imparadiſe this my retreat.