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WHen the trees were all bare not a leaf to be ſeen,
and the meadows their beauty had loſt:
When all nature diſrob'd of her mantle of green,
and the rivers bound up by the froſt.

When the peaſant inactive ſtands ſhivering with cold,
as the black winds northerly blow:
Then innocent lambs ſeud away to their fold,
with their fleeces all covered with ſnow.

In the yard where the cattle are ſolder'd with ſtraw,
and they ſend forth their breath with a ſtream,
And the neat looking derry-maid ſees ſhe muſt thaw,
flakes of ice ſhe beholds on the cream.

There the ſweet country maiden as freſh as a roſe,
ſhe careleſsly ſlips and then ſlides;
Then the ruſtics laughs loud, if by falling ſhe ſhows,
all the charms which her modeſty hides.

When the lads and the laſſes in company join,
and ſet round the embers, they chat;
Talk of witches and fairies, that ride on the wind,
and of Ghoſts all they're all in a fweat.

When the birds to the barn door come hovering for food,
and they earneſtly drop from their ſpray;
Then the poor frighted have in vain walks the wood,
leaſt her foot-ſteps her courſe ſhould betray.

Heaven grant in that ſeaſon it may be my lot,
with the maid whom I love and admire,
While the ice ſickles hing from the eves of my cot,
may we live therein ſafely retired.

In peace and in pleaſure, and free from all care,
may we live, and each other admire;
And thus in due ſeaſon when ſickneſs falls out,
then each of each other, may tak cure.