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text message that preceded this that talk about the same thing, then I'm happy to review those and then try to contextualize it. But I think, again, it's very obvious that the House Freedom Caucus was, like, the conservative wing of the conservative wing. And having them all at The Ellipse rally to hear the speakers that preceded the President was important to all of us. And think it's, you know, the logical course of action.

Q Yeah, so it's interesting because you're focusing on the word "force." I'm focusing on "POTUS wants." Help me understand that part. How do you know what POTUS wants?

A I'm sorry.

Q How do you know what POTUS wants?

A Because he tweeted as much.

Q Got it. Thank you.

So you went over this a little bit earlier. But so after you left the hotel, by the way, where were you staying when you were here for the January 6th event? What hotel were you staying at?

A I believe I was staying at the JW.

Q Okay. So walk us through the morning. How did you get to The Ellipse? What time did you leave? What time did you arrive? Just walk us through that.

A I don't know the times. The times would be better represented by the text message.

Q Approximately. Or just give us a lay of how your morning went.

A I really wish I could. That seems overly broad. You just showed me a text message, or you just showed me an alleged tweet that I sent at 3-something a.m. I didn't even have an awareness until now, again, if the tweet is real, that—that I went to bed after that time. It seems like I needed more sleep than that. So, so if I