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sought—the question just seems way too broad. And I'm happy to drill down on any of the specifics around the events that you guys are investigating.

Q Let's walk through it then. So you stayed at the JW Marriott here in Washington, D.C. Is that correct?

A Yes, sir.

Q You went to The Ellipse the morning of January 6th?

A Yes, sir.

Q Did you go anywhere between—in between going from the JW Marriott to The Ellipse?

A I don't believe so.

Q Okay. So when you arrived at The Ellipse, did anyone let you in? How did you get into the Ellipse?

A I provided for the committee maybe 15 or 20 minutes ago my best recollection of how I entered and what was happening at the VIP section, and I'd refer to that.

Q Did Ms. Wren escort you in, or were you able to still walk through the security?

A I do not remember Ms. Wren letting me in. And, again, in my retelling of my best recollection of the story, I had to actually retrieve our badges using my reputation alone. And then I believe I saw Caroline ultimately, you know, 20 or 30 minutes later, after we made it through Secret Service, metal detectors, through the swampy mud fields and then up to the VIP-seated section.

Q Okay. Did you have a security detail with you on January 6th?

A Yes.

Q Do you recall who was part of your security detail?