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  Yes, of course.

Mr. Raskin. I'd like to ask Dr. Eastman whether the Vice President has ever exercised unilateral authority to reject electoral college votes coming from a particular State before in American history?

The Witness. Fifth.

Mr. Raskin. I yield back.


Q Just so I understand, in response to Mr. Raskin's question about a historical fact, not about your conduct, you are invoking your Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination?

A I claim the Fifth.

Q Dr. Eastman, on January 2nd, 2021, you appeared on Steve Bannon's "War Room" podcast. I'm going to read you some brief excerpts there.

Mr. Bannon said, quote, "Are we to assume that this is going to be a climactic battle?" close quote.

Dr. Eastman, you said, quote, "Well, I think a lot of that depends on the courage and the spine of the individuals involved," close quote.

Dr. Eastman, what did you understand Mr. Bannon to mean when he said on this podcast asking whether there could be a climactic battle?

A Fifth.

Q Dr. Eastman, at the time that you engaged in the podcast on January 2nd, 2021, with Mr. Bannon, had you heard that there would be protests on January 6th?

A Counsel, can you clarify the date of the "War Room" podcast in your last question? I thought you had said January 21st.

Q I certainly didn't mean to. If I did, I apologize. The date of the podcast