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was January 2nd, 2021. So I'm happy to repeat the question.

A If you would, please.

Q When you were on the January 2nd, 2021, podcast with Steve Bannon called the "War Room," had you heard that there would be protests on January 6th?

A Fifth.

Q When you were on the podcast with Mr. Bannon, had anyone mentioned to you the possibility that protests on January 6th could turn violent?

A Fifth.

Q So on that podcast, after you said, "Well, I think a lot of that depends on the courage and the spine of the individuals involved," Mr. Bannon said, quote, "When you just said the courage and the spine, are you talking on the other side of the football? Would you be -- would you be -- that'd be a nice way to say a guy named Mike, Vice President Mike Pence," close quote.

Your answer: "Yes."

What did you mean when you stated that a lot of that would depend on the courage and spine of Vice President Mike Pence?

A Fifth.

Q On that same podcast, you also told Mr. Bannon that Mayor Rudy Giuliani was working in the Senate to stop the election certification. What work was Mayor Giuliani doing in the Senate to stop the certification?

A Fifth.

Q Dr. Eastman, did you speak with any United States Senators about stopping the certification on January 6th?

A Fifth.

Q Dr. Eastman, will you answer any of my questions regarding your public