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He that in Blind Dependence now ſubmits,
Will rouſe his Strength, when he ſhall rouſe his Wits;
Nature prevails, and Senſe in Exerciſe
The Chains on Reaſon nat'rally unties.

Thus when new Sight ſhall once but bleſs the Poor,
'Tis theſe will Scotland's Liberty Reſtore;
The ſtrong Conviction no Man can reſiſt,
And Blindneſs ſhall againſt her Will be bleſt;

And now, in all their Miſeries, let's View
What Bleſſings they induſtriouſly purſue;
What juſt Equivalent they can ſupply,
For loſs of Wealth, and loſs of Liberty:

Th' Inſtructed Poor Laborious and Suppreſt;
Yet in their very Miſeries are bleſt;
Cruſh'd with injurious Homage they obey
GOD and their Landlord, but with diff'rent Eye;
And yet to both they pay without Regrett,
To this the Homage, and to that the Debt.
The Negatives of Nature they Endure,
In Virtue Rich, tho in Poſſeſſions Poor,
Knowing in Sacreds, in Religion Nice,
And ignorant in nothing more than Vice:
What Crimes they have, they borrow from Mankind,
Hell's Manufactures here are contraband.
Imported by the help of Foreign Trade,
Clandeſtinely enjoy'd, clandeſtinely conveigh'd.