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Unuſual Judgment fills the meaner Heads,
Devotion follows as Inſtruction leads.
Grave in Behaviour, in Diſcourſe ſedate,
And apter to believe than to debate;
And if they can exceed in doing Well,
'Tis in a little little TOO MUCH ZEAL.

In Doctrine ſound, in Diſcipline ſevere,
The Church obtains her True Dominion here.
And yet her foft Coercives yield no Pow'r,
Either to perſecute, or to devour.
Fiercely tenacious of determin'd Truth,
Dreadful to Error, Vigilant of both.
The wild Opinions of a Neighb'ring State,
Find here no Atom-Fancies to create:
The ſtrong fermented Venom hither brought,
Like Iriſh Poiſons, periſh in the Thought;
Here no Enthuſiaſtick Notion grows,
The only Barrenneſs the Nation knows.

A Mitred Jeſt indeed, the Land perplex'd,
Of Pomp and Pride, and Policy ſo mix'd;
The awkward medly left us in Debate,
Whether it did proceed from Church or State,
Begot by Power, and introduc'd by Plot,
With Tyranny came in, with Tyranny went out;
But ill agreeing with preciſer Air,
It ſoon grew yellow, pale and ſickly here.
The People Wiſe, and in Religion Nice,

Could not be gull'd with ſuch a Faint Device.