Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/42

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Yount, Comprising Much of the Early History of California and a Graphic Detail of the Scenes and Privations of a Border Life" by Orange Clark. A note in the Napa Register of October 1865 stated that "the Reverend Dr. Orange Clark of San Francisco once wrote a very interesting work on this old trapper (Yount) and it is probable that it will be published." Excerpts from Clark's "Narrative" were later printed in the California Historical Society Quarterly.^^ The Clark manuscript is now in the Bancroft Library, University of California.

Of the sixty books registered in the Northern District of California from October 25, 1851, to December 4, 1856, twenty-two have not been identified and are therefore phantoms to the writer. It is probable that certain titles were never published or were published in a small edition and if preserved at all exist only in an unique copy in private ownership or in a public collection not examined. The search for the titles is perhaps more of a game than a valued contribution to the history of book publication in the State. But whether they are ghosts or not, the intent to publish indicates the author's literary activities. For example, we learn from the copyright record that Warren Baer, the author of The Duke of Sacramento, wrote another play, "The Californian's Return"; that E. N. Spangenberg prepared for publication "A Trip to Australia or Lola Montez on the Fanny Major, A Local Drama in Two Acts"; that I. R. Poynter, M.D., wrote "Entewa, the Mountain Bird, a Romance of California Founded on Fact." Those interested in the mines might like to meet C. S. Capp's "Life West of the West," or "California Sketches Illustrating Life in the Mines"; or David Duncan's "The Miners' Guide Book"; or even George Fawcett's "Songs of the Mines, Written Expressly for the Sons of the Rocker by Robin Rover."

A list of copyrights entered in the Northern District of California from October 25, 1851, to December 4, 1856, in chronological order and including not only books but prints, maps, and labels, is given below.^^ No attempt has been made to identify the maps and prints for this article. The first entry is given in full to show the form used, and the ghosts, or those books not identified, are indicated by asterisks. The writer would appreciate learning of the existence and location of any of the unidentified titles.

List of Books, Maps, Prints, and Labels Copyrighted in the Northern District of California, 1851-56

1851 Oct. 25

District Court of the United States for the Northern [District] of California to wit:

Be it remembered that on the 25th day of October Anno domini one thousand Eight Hundred & fifty-one N. Slater of the said District hath deposited in this office the title of a Book the title of which is in the words following to wit: Fruits of Mormonism or a fair & candid statement of facts illustrative of Mormon Principles Mormon policy & Mormon character by more than forty Eye-