Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/43

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witnesses Compiled by N. Slater A.M. the right whereof he claims as author in conformity with an Act of Congress entitled An act to Amend the several Acts respecting Copy rights.

Jno A Monroe
Clerk of the Distr.

Oct. 30

18 s 2 Jan. 14 Jan. 16

Jan. 24

Feb. 17 March 2

(March 15 March 14 March 25 April 3

April 9 April 16

Jm April 17 April 29

May 17

Hall, William

The Abominations of Mormonism exposed, containing many Facts and Doctrines, concerning that singular People, during seven years membership with them from 1840 to 1847.

  • POYNTER, I. R.

Entewa, The Mountain Bird, a Romance of California, founded on fact. Platt, p. L., and Slater N[elson]

The Traveller's Guide, across the Plains, The Northern overland route, from the States to California, showing the distances from point to point, accurately measured with roadometers, and describing the Springs, Streams of water. Hills, Mountains, Camping places, and other notable objects along the route, together with an Appendix containing the Routes from Council Bluffs to Ft. Laramie, from Fort Leavenworth to the Big Blue river. The routes by way of Salt Lake, and Ft. Hall, and a general summary of distances.

Shelton, C. a.

Miners Prospecting— and Miners Cabin, Result of the Day. (Lithograph


Sweeney, George F., and Baugh, Theodore E. Marine Telegraph Signals. (Lithograph engraving.)

Paul, Charles F.

The Flying Fish. (Lithograph engraving.)


Sonora. (Lithograph engraving.) RiCHTER, M. A.

The California Pioneers. (Musical composition.) GoDDARD, G. H.

Columbia. January, 1852. (Lithograph engraving.) Morrill, Charles

The Eureka Compound for Fever & Ague and all Billions & Nervous diseases of a Periodic character. (Label.) Pierce, J[oshua] H., and Johnson, W. H. J. A. Sutter. (Lithograph.)

  • Atwill, J[oseph] F.

The San Francisco Quadrilles, arranged from the most favorite Negro Melodies for the Piano Forte, respectfully dedicated to the Ladies of Cali- fornia by their sincere admirer, George Peck. Sharp, George F., and Baugh, Theodore E. Marine Telegraph Signals. (Lithograph.) Werth, John J.

A dissertation on the resources and policy of California, mineral, agricul- tural, and commercial including a plan for the disposal of the mineral lands.

  • Davis, George H., and Harris, A. H.

Bankers Merchants and Miners table for the purchase and sale of Gold-dust at from $16 & $17.50 per ounce from one grain to one Th