Page:California Historical Society Quarterly vol 22.djvu/45

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June 8 Hanford, H.

Mammoth Arbor Vitge standing on the head waters of the Stanislaus and San Antoine rivers in Calaveras County, California, diameter 3 1 feet at the base, circumference 96 feet, height 294 feet, 3000 years old. (Lithograph engraving.)

June 12 Ryan, R. F.

California past and present, Judges and criminals or shadows of the past.

June 15 Richardson, John H.

View of Camp Seco and Quartz Mountain, Tuolumne county. (Litho- graph engraving.)

Aug. 6 Tennent, Thomas

Map of Lower Oregon and Upper California from the latest and most authentic Surveys. (Map.)

Aug. 9 Hale & Emory

Hale and Emory's Marysville City Directory, August 1853, First Publication.

Sept. 27 Britton & Rey

Map of the State of California, drawn and compiled from the most recent surveys by J. B. Trask. (Map.)

Oct. 19 CoLViLLE, Samuel, Publisher

The Sacramento "Directory for the year" 1853-54 embracing a general

Directory of citizens, an Appendix of general information etc., together

with a history of Sacramento, written by Dr. John F. Morse. Oct. 25 Anthony, James, Publisher

Pen Knife sketches or chips of the old Block, a series of illustrated letters

written by one of California's Pioneer Miners . . . Nov. 3 Adams & Co. Express

Likeness of D. Hale Haskell Esq. one of the firm of Adams & Co.

(Vignette, or stamp.)

Dec. 12 Hunt, T. Dwight

The past and present of the Sandwich Islands, being a series of lectures to

the First Congregational Church, San Francisco. Dec. 30 HuTCHiNGs, James M [ason]

The Miners ten Commandments. 1 8^4 Hepburn, H. P. ,

April 1 3 Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the state

of California in the year 1852. April 22 Gift, George W.

Settler's Guide containing all the circulars and Laws relating to Pre-Emp-

tion claims in California. April 22 *Kauffman, Edward

A Miner's theory of Earth's construction and Relations. May 6 Britton & Rey

Capt. Sutter's account of the first-discovery of the Gold. (Broadside.) May II *ToLER, Hopeful

Cornelia Bororquia or A Tale of the Inquisition, translated from the original

in Spanish by an America Citizen to which is added an Appendix showing

the number of victims to the Inquisition in Spain from